Church Growth
An interesing post over at MMI about church growth... it's basically a study of 900 churches, and the ones that are growing have 4 things in common:
1. The church is multiracial
2. Men make up at least 60% of the participants
3. Leaders describe worship as "slightly to not at all" reverent
4. Drums/percussion is used every time.
Just thought it was interesting and might be good to bat around some thoughts/conversation about the study. I thought it might be a bit of a window into current culture and relevance issues. Anyway, the link is above. Enjoy and post some thoughts if you'd like.
1. The church is multiracial
2. Men make up at least 60% of the participants
3. Leaders describe worship as "slightly to not at all" reverent
4. Drums/percussion is used every time.
Just thought it was interesting and might be good to bat around some thoughts/conversation about the study. I thought it might be a bit of a window into current culture and relevance issues. Anyway, the link is above. Enjoy and post some thoughts if you'd like.