December 19, 2008 

Devoted Follower or Missionary?

I moved this from a comment posted by Ken W.  Ken, I think it deserves a full post as aposed to a comment.

"With Advent upon us, I find myself re-orienting my personal study time to the story of the nativity. What strikes me this year is the realization that our God is a sending God. Luke says, "In the sixth month, God SENT the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town of Galilee (Luke 1: 26). That got everything started. God's act of SENDING Gabriel, SENT Mary to the hill country of Judah, where she received confirmation from Elizabeth; "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear!" (Luke 1: 42). The angel's SENT by God, appear to the shepherds and announce, "Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord!" (Luke 2: 11). Jesus in his inaugural sermon in the synagogue in Nazareth said, "The spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has SENT me to proclaim freedom to the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor. (Luke 4: 18 – 19). This sending theme is a hall mark of Jesus' ministry. He gathered twelve disciples around him and gave them power and authority to exercise the kingdom of God and "he SENT them out to preach the kingdom of God and heal the sick." (Luke 9:2). "After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and SENT them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go. (Luke 10:1). In his final conversation with the disciples before leaving this earth he SENDS them out again, saying, "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." (Matthew 28:19 – 20)

God is a sending God! In his sending He changed the course of history. He sent his Son to earth. He and the Son sent the Holy Spirit. He and the Son and the Holy Spirit have sent persons in the world to fulfill the kingdom of God. These sent ones are authentic followers missionaries of Christ who live out kingdom values in the world.

I may have just stumbled on a key insight for the church. My first draft of the above sentence (as you can see) was "these sent ones are authentic followers of Christ who live out kingdom values in the world." There if a big difference between seeing yourself as a "follower" of Christ and a "missionary" of Christ. A follower follows! He/she waits for the leader to lead, and then they follow. I believe for the vast majority of the church today following does not necessarily mean one is being sent anywhere. Missionaries on the other hand have a very different focus. They see themselves as being sent. They are sent with a message from the sender. They expect to learn the language of the people they are going to and interpret the message for them in their language.


If we see ourselves as missionaries, how would this perception change the way we function? Well great question, (if I do say so myself), I am not sure I have the answer to the question, but it appears to me it is an important question we must answer if we are going to see the kingdom of God become a reality in our midst. So let me begin by listing a few characteristics of missionaries and perhaps you can add to the list or make it better:

Missionaries are called to a lifestyle not just to attend a few functions at church. Missionaries have an adventuresome spirit.
Missionaries enjoy other cultures rather than criticize them. Missionaries study the culture they are going to in order to make the gospel relevant to the culture. Missionaries move to the "foreign" country they are trying to reach, they don't expect the "foreign" country to move to them.
Missionaries expect to see the kingdom God expressed through miracles. Missionaries count it a privilege to serve often at great sacrifice. Missionaries are often willing to leave family and friends temporarily to reach their mission field.

Now, that I think about it the church has fulfilled its mission, at least the ones I read in their bulletins. The standard mission statement printed on the back panel of the bulletin, reads, "To make fully devoted followers of Christ". I think most followers would say they are devoted and following to the best of their ability.


If we are going to become authentic missionaries of Christ it is going to take more than changing a word in the mission statement, or, adding another program to the church calendar. Becoming authentic missionaries of Christ means as individuals we change how we think and function. I believe it begins with changing how we view ourselves as devoted followers to authentic missionaries of Jesus Christ. What do you think? How will thinking of ourselves as missionaries change what we do?"

December 17, 2008 

Catalyst 1 Day - Goeschel 2

this is the third post about Catalyst One Day if you're lost.  

Before I jump into Craig Groeschel talk #2 I want to mention a Q & A that he and Andy Stanely did before lunch.  It was awesome, to have them ask each other stuff.  I didn't catch it all, but here are the one's I did catch.  I think these were enough for me to chew on so I stopped.  

Q Craig: When you teach it always seems fresh.  How do you keep personal spiritual momentum?
A Andy: I just spend most of my time there.  I spend most of my time in my giftednes.  The more time you spend outside of your giftedness less time you have for the most important things, and the more drained you'll be.  

Q Andy: When do you go multi-site?
A Craig: 1. when you've absolutely maximized your space.  2. to go out and be missional.  Do something somewhere that others arent.  3. a partnership with others who can't.  (Craig partners with other church's with his sermons.)

Creating Personal Spiritual Momentum
Genesis 31: 43-44

[underlined words were blanks in the notes.]

I will  do today what I can do , to enable me to do tomarrow waht I can't do today.  

If you want to make movies someday go out and shoot today with your Sony handicam.  No you may not have what you need, but you'll never get the oppertunities if you're not any good at it.  

Four Things To Do Today

1. Do somthing to defat you dark side.
Craig's if fear of not enough.  He saw that his church wasn't being generous and he was upset by that then God told him he wasn't being generous.  He was giving more tithing, but his heart wasn't generous.  He even has a polocy at his church, if you need some money go ahead and take back out of the offering plate.  No one will say anyting to you.  (That is awesome!)  

I thought of something when he was talking about this.  He's over compensated, he's become really generous.  I thought of Batman.  As a boy he was afraid of bats.  when he became a ninja, he learned to master his fear, so much so, that he used it to fight evil.  

2. Create artificial ministry deadlines.
artificial deadlines force you to:
*make faster decisions 
*Intentionally delegate 
* disregard unimportant activities

3. Delegate what someone else can do
* don't deleagate responsibilities.  delegate authority.  
   (wow, have I really learned that this one is true.  to see the look on someone's face when                  You tell them that it's they're ship to stear.)
*delegating responsibilities creates followers.
*delegating authority creates leaders.

4. Do somthing only you can do.
1. you're the only one who can care for yourself.
*care for yourself with refreshing activities. (LOL, hobbies or personal life when you're                     in ministry?  Craig's right guys!)
*care for yourself by taking time off.  (Ministry is busy and you're gone or busy certain                       times of the year.  you know when it's coming, plan time off after those busy times.)
* care for yourself by spending time with God.  
*care for yourself by eating right and exercising.
2. You're the only one who can lead your ministry. 

3. you're the only one who can do somehting that privatley honors Christ to you. 

4. You're the only one who can be a husband/wife to your wife/husband or daddy/mommy                to your kids.  

in the Q & A after Craig spoke he talked abou his schedule.  He leaves the office at 3.45 every day and heads to the gym.  

Someone in our group asked a great question after that session: "so he leaves then, when does his staff leave?  Sometimes the leaders, get to leave but the support staff have to stay if the work isn't done.  I would ask him that question if I had a chance.     

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December 08, 2008 

catalyst 1-day [groeschel]

here’s some notes from another of the sessions that we experienced at the 1-day conference…

craig’s session was addressing how we think in relation to what we do. some good mental gymnastics on why we do what we do & how to get our “thinking” to the next level so that our “doing” truly matters & has impact.

5 places we need to “re-think”
think differently about…
…your church CULTURE
…people LEAVING the church

…the church CULTURE
if we’re always putting the blame of what’s going on in the church we’re serving we’re simply not doing our job. to some degree people are stubborn & will have difficulty moving into new directions. however, some of the cultural issues are yours as the leader.
LEADERSHIP QUESTION: what am i doing as a leader to change & redirect the culture?

so much of what we do in life [work, school, family, church] is built around what we’re “doing”. are we making the grade, producing enough, meeting quotas, providing the right programs?
is it possible that we need to scale back all the ‘suff’ that we’re doing [& doing half-way] & focus on a couple of things that we can do well; i mean really well?
the axiom says “if we do more, we can reach more”
i’m becoming less & less convinced that it’s not true.

…the MISSION & people LEAVING the church
so many times the mind-set is that we don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings because they might just get up & go to another church. anyone felt this way or heard this said?? yes, i see that hand.
the biggest problem here is that when we begin to become so focused/concerned on those who are considering leaving because the music isn’t just right, or they didn’t get to have a leading role in something & or they just don’t like the way that another is leading – when they become the focus of the leaders we’ve lost sight of the mission.
it almost seems like we’ve become focused on the pharisees & have forgotten about the tax collectors & prostitutes.
Jesus seems pretty clear on this issue. he says, in 21century language, “I’m going this way. if you want to be with Me come on.” he doesn’t seem real concerned with trying to chase down those who don’t want to be involved.
the other thing that pops up here is this notion that if people leave our church we can’t possibly grow. that is a soiled notion!
i heard, quite while ago now, that who is ON the team is as important as who is NOT on the team.
that is to say that there are some that simply are not going to help the cause reach it’s potential & are going to drag their feet at every turn.
help them find a place that they’re going to be happy & productive.

we often see the possibilities around us as hurdles & impossibilities instead of places that God can move. the churches we serve will often cast a dream as “we can’t do ______, because we don’t have ______”
our job in changing the mindset is to get them to say “we can do _____, because we don’t have _____ obstacles to overcome.”

so, loads of good stuff. too much to put into just a couple of postings here.

is anyone considering catalyst in the ATL for next fall? i’m definitely on-board & would be interested in sharing hotel or vehicle costs. let me know!

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