June 29, 2007 

In the merry old land of Oz

I've been emailing a guy from AUS that's connected to Forge. [Alan Hirsch.] I tried to meet with some Forge peops when I was Down Under but I couldn't make it happen. I got the email of a guy named Phil though. He's pointed me to a blog with some posts on their journey as a church. It was 4 churches that combined to make one new one. It's been an interesting story so far. Check them out here >>. I think there's a lot we can learn from them on how we can reimagine church.


Our buddy Ron is in the blogsphere

Ron Martoia is blogging. Jeremy Pastor blogged it, 3 days ago. Ron's posts started in January. Alright, come clean. Who knew and didn't post a link? Who's been horeding Martoia?

June 23, 2007 

Sad news

Do you guys know about Shane Claiborne and The Simple Way? He is the author of The Irresistable Revolution. His house and ministry center burned down. Learn more from the Christianity Today blog. You can donate here if you're so moved. Really sad to see.

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How to Emerge Without Being Emerging (from Alan Hartung)

Here is a good post from Alan Hartung over at theooze.com. Alan says this concept to him "is like not eating any carbs and then saying you’re on a diet which is not anything like the Atkins diet." I've often thought the same things as he says in the last couple paragraphs. Check it out.

June 18, 2007 

Have you heard of

Have you heard of Biblical Seminary? I just went to their page by way of Scot McKight's post Teaching Freedom in Seminary. (a good post. read if you don't subscribe to jesuscreed.org) I explored a little bit. There is a heading on their home page called The Missional Church, and a couple links under that heading that you should check out. It's encouraging stuff to see a seminary tackle issues and shift like that. There is hope my friends.

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The First Post

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