September 11, 2007 

absence makes the heart..blaa, blaa, blaa

well people, sorry for my absence! i have no excuse!

randy - i'll be coming to the youth leaders retreat this weekend & bringing my mug. the coffee has to be better than last years batch!!

you mentioned books - there are a number of books that are currently circulating in and out of my bag. here's a couple of thoughts on those books:

static -ron martoia
lots of good stuff here! martoia does a good job of challenging how we talk about God, church, salvation, and many other things within the church circles. things that don't make much sense outside of the context of life with Christ. but language that we use regularly anyhow.

the shaping of things to come - frost & hirsch
this one's been out a while but i've come back to it recently & re-working some thoughts on how it impacts what i'm doing locally. lots of good conversation grist for teams & small groups. lots of questions about what we do & if we should continue to do it that way or if it's ok to change. i'm spending time right now looking at what it means to do ministry to & with students. can we change some of the basics of week-in/week-out ministry? me thinks yes...

the forgotten ways - alan hirsch
lots of good stuff here! not a how to on something new & potentially offensive to the modern mind-set. but a reminder of what Jesus came to do in the first place. not lots done with this one just yet, but captured by the thesis.

the starfish & the spider - brafman & beckstrom
this one is worth all the time & money int he world! the sub-title is "the unstoppable power of leaderless organizations". yea, that's right! these guys aren't, by anything i can tell, Christ-followers. but what they talk about, suggest & put forth sounds a lot like Jesus & His release of the power of the Kingdom into the hands of a bunch of guys nobody else wanted is amazing. a flat leadership style that covers the range of people they talked to like craigslist founder craig newmark & tracing the origins & success of AA back to the man who started it all. very good stuff that could have major impact for the church that Jesus spoke of.


September 04, 2007 

silence is deafning

So is anyone out there anymore? I bet not. It's been hard to find time to blog in this transition without a lead pastor. The good news it that he's here now. [fwehh/sigh]

If any of you are going to the MI Youthworkers Retreat let's Chat. I'll be bringing my own coffee this year. I'm thinking about bringing the espresso machine too. Bring your favorite mug, and some thoughts about church, and how we can help make it more missional/incarnational.

Read any good books lately?

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