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November 10, 2006 


If I missed something you contributors out there please edit. Just notate your edit, so we can see who's pitching in.

Session 2 with Ron Martoia - Q & A

Q:What did you mean by Excile, Exodus, and Preistly?

A: He reviewed that we preached the gospel mostly through the preistly story not the whole gospel story that's told in the old testiment. [Frankly I didn't write many notes here because it was review to me.] He spoke for quite a while on that, then I think someone did a follow up questions that gave him clarity on what the first guy asked.

Then he talked about encoding and decoding. We may be speaking the same words, but not really talking about the same things, or coming away with the same meaning. It's like having a conversation with someone from the UK and you don't have any idea what they just said. That can play a significant part in all this. [I can't wait to listen to the CDs, I know I missed a lot here.]

Q:If we find ourselves in the Know >>> Do model of spiritual formation how do we transition to the Knowing >>> Seeing >>> Sensing >>> Doing way of formation? [I asked that brilliant question.]

A: He told a story about being at the check out lane of a store. There was this mom with two out of control kids. {You've been there! Maybe they're your kids :) } All Ron could think of was "Get control of your kids lady!" "I wanted to get her a brochure on a parenting seminar." When she was leaving she turned to Ron and said "Thanks for being so patient with me and my kids. My husband and their dad left us last night." So Ron's perception of her and the kids immediately cahnged. He wanted to give her a brochure at first {Know >>> Do}, But then he Knew something different >>> He Saw why they were acting that way >>> he Sensed that they needed help/love >>> He wanted to Do something for them.

Bring about things into the walk/formation about how people see people. How Jesus see's people.

"Spirituality is seeing."

Q: Tell us about the process of shifting DNA.

A: 1. Start by honing in on missional victories.
2. Read the Bible again for the first time. Ask questions about what was really being said.
Work on the encoding >>> decoding thing. [Like a convo with someone from the UK.]
Zachious: What did Jesus say? What was it like in his culture to tlak to a tax collector?
What would it have been like to eat with that guy? At his house????

Observation said in the mic: Extreme Makeover saves people from problems, only to make them into materialistic consumers, with bigger bills and up keep costs.

What are the top 5 needs of your county? What indiginous things that work? [what a good missionary does.]

Do you have to be a commited volunteer or pillar in your church to help the community? Does everyone that volunteers for Extreme Makeover know Jesus?

Randy 's Personal note spured by that statement: Is our high school trip to Mexico just for committed kids? It has been in the past, but I'm not sure anymore.

Ron, Thanks for pitching in. I understand what your saying. We live out the gospel of the priestly story, not just preach and teach. The way we see, or don't see those stories effects what we say, do, live, and shape ministry, community, etc. Thanks for decoding that more.

My limited notes for Ron's talks are listed on my blog, if anyone wants to look:

My Blog

If you're like me, you missed a few things Ron said while you were fumbling for a pen. As many things as he presented, that could have potentially cost you five or so ideas

The interesting and scary thing about going back to the text and starting over is that you're never going to be quite sure of the outcome of doing so... thus, as Ron said, leadership plays a major role in leaping into the unknown.

It's exciting to think that the re-imagining of praxis and paradigm hasn't already taken place, but that it's taking place now in the midst of conversations such as these.

In light of Ron's comment above, I started reading quickly through Luke and mentally snagging conversations Jesus had about the Kingdom, salvation, reward, etc... very interesting, and much different from the "raise your hand if you want Jesus in your heart" mentality... I haven't even dug into his actions and miracles in any sense as of yet. :) Good stuff.

The really scary thing about going back and reading the text again for the first time is that many things we would be willing to take bullets for may just crash and burn

some more on what we don't know...
i completely echo the thoughts that we must go back and re-read what we think we know. what was one of the quotes from the g.a. weekend? something to the effect of the hindreance to progress is not ignorance, but the illusion of knowing. if someone has the complete quote please stick it in.

but isn't that us?! we feel like we have the nuances of a story nailed and so we close the book.

and to compound that thought process we're intimidated to re-open the book and allow ourselves to be confused for a moment or two. i think we're deathly afraid to not know and have some doubt.

doubt doesn't have to be a faith-extinguisher. but can be a faith-deepener.

Nate. I agree that doubt can and should be a faith-deepener. The problem is that doubt is a sign of weakness and as a pastor(so the layety say. For many years I personally could not appear to be weak. I didn't realize how weak I really was. Where that comes from I'm not sure but many in the ministry struggle with it. We've got to have all the answers.(said with sarcasm!) However through out the bible its not the ones with all the answers that God uses the most. It usually the weak and doubting. That's right in our face and we just skip over it.
Man am I ever feeling what you are saying bro. I've only attended Catalyst one time...hopefully I can go next year. But if there is one thing I've learned in the last five years that has hit me square between the eyes, it was the year I attendend Catalyst and ron spoke. Not trying to toot rons horn (sorry if your reading bro:).
He challenged us as leaders to stop being the "answer man" and to start asking more questions. Not just any questions but one that challenge us to go deeper, think differently, depend more, and boast less. Truthfully, the last couple of years I have been completely confused...and I'm lovin' every minute of it (ok how many of your sing the song in your head right now?)

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