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October 14, 2006 

Another Episode in a Continuing Saga

Nathan and I just did a couple conferences at the Christian Leadership Convention in Lansing. If your not familiar its our States Christian Ed conference. Our State Christian Ed Taskforce gave it a shot in the arm a couple years ago and broadened it to church leadership not just teachers. So when people hear Christian Education they probably think of Sunday School teachers. Anyway.

This time there weren't that many blank stares from our audience. Two years ago when I first did a conference on pomo/culture/emergent people didn't know what the crap I was talking about. "What? The culture is changing? The church should too? Burn him! Burn the heretic!" Today there was good conversation about the church and culture. Great questions like, "what have you done to implement change in your church or ministry?"

It was really hopeful and encouraging to experience that today. It gave me more hope that the church can migrate to the "U.P" I can't wait 'til GA!