December 21, 2005 

time will tell I guess

I've just started Emerging Churches and it's a great read. I hope the rest of it is like the first chapter. Great offering Andy!!! The first chapter is about culture. Something dawned on me, in the clearest way I've ever thought about it. For modern Christians the world seems to be the same in many respects. "This is a phase, things will be normanl again when these 'emergers' settle down into jobs, families and homes." If the church is your life and you seldom step out of Chrisendom, then the world hasn't changed a whole lot. Now I understand why I hear this disscussion as a generational thing or a fad. They address this issue in culture. I'm done talking about this, becasue I've only read the first chapter tonight and haven't thought much about it. click here to check it out.

December 11, 2005 

So this is where I have been camped out the past month

In a Cerebral sort of way that is, it's too cold to actually camp right now, and I live in Tampa.

Scot Mcknight from North Park University in Chicago is my new favorite author. I am totally engulfed in his book The Jesus Creed, and boy did I need this book.

Anyhoo, he has a very active blog,, and he posted this last week. I think it's a good set of hoops to guide us in discussion, that is if we plan on doing that in 2006. I know, your busy and who cares, but offer up some neurons if you can.

Seven Habits of Successful Emerging Discussions by Scot McKnight

Merry chrismahanukwazakah to you!

December 09, 2005 

Aslan "not much of a Christ figure"

I saw Narnia last night, er... this morning. It was great! I haven't actually read the series. I struggled with reading as a kid. My best freinds fam went through it and he told me the story the next day after his family had read it. That is something I want to do with my boys when they're a little older.
I came across this review and I wanted to talk about it. The author not being a believer doesn't understand. Not surprising. I could really hit a home run off the pitch about the New Yorker article. Check out the review, which like most movie critics' I don't agree with. Go see it for yourself.

Oh, if your looking for good pictures there's a great gallery today HERE.

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