November 23, 2005 

Might I suggest . . .

Do you think we could have a Chogpomothinktank book club? Corny as it sounds, I think it would be cool to actually read communally and discuss. (ya know, stop, collaborate, and perhaps listen?!?!) Maybe we can hone in on some thoughts more succinctly?

I cannot wait to get my hands on this book: Emerging Churches: Creating Christian Community in Postmodern Cultures

Andrew Jones mentions this book on his blog.
and so does Jonny Baker

If you think this is a good idea, then chime in. If you would rather read something else, then suggest away.

BTW - Happy Thanksgiving

November 17, 2005 

head that'a way

Came across this through ChOGblog. Some good banter at Message in a Bottle thought I would show you the way .


Odyssey-ed lately?

check out these wild and crazy guys Chris Erdman and Alan Roxburough at Odyssey. This post is entitled "Revolt Against Modernity's Ethic of 'Herculean Labor'"

November 16, 2005 

it's still rollin' in...

If you were wondering about how General Assembly went I'll tell ya. The reason I started this blog was to promote discussion and see what exactly we're dealing with here in this changing culture. Ok...well that happend at GA. It seemed to me that a lot of hearts and minds were stirred. That was the point. I have had some good conversations during and after GA about what are we really talking about. I've even gotten feedback through my mom about what people thought. Sweet! Tony Jones would be happy that we're talking. If you were there please make sure to comment.


'i believe you have my stapler...'

you are probably very much aware of the very important, dare i say, groundbreaking movie that was released just a couple of weeks ago...'office space - flair edition'.
and i do believe that peter is right. if i had a million dollars i too would do nothing.

In The Beginging

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Who's Migrating

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