Unraveling Emergent
Doug Pagitt has an article on RelevantMagazine.com with his take on Emergent.
- Emerging Churches strive to be positive about the future.
- Churches within the emerging community are committed to God in the way of Jesus.
- The Kingdom of God is a central conversation in emerging communities.
- The emerging church values communal life – living like family.
- Emerging churches seek to live as missional communities.
- Friendship and hospitality are transformational pieces in the emerging church.
- Communities in the emerging movement value theology.
I am like a dog waiting for someone to throw a frisbee, when it comes to Relevant showing up at my door.
I would be interested in the perception of these values to a modern mind. What you and I see when you say these and what a modern would see when you say these. Can anyone pitch in on that?
Posted by
Randy |
11:29 AM
I think your question is based on the assumption that one can come from an untainted "post-modern" mind set and one has already arrived safely in post-modernity. I believe that we live in between modernity and post-modernity and none of us, nor has our world evolved (or "emerged" for those who dislike Darwin) into a completely postmodern world or mindset. I believe we live on the cusp of a postmodern world and have not fully arrived. Therefore, I think that we have to remember that we are just as “modern” as we are “post-modern”. That's why we still look around in Panera (or insert your favorite Wi-Fi location) for a place to plug in our "wireless" laptops. :O) ( You are welcome to disagree, maybe I just haven't arrived)
Anyway, I think that these values say nothing and everything at the same time. Let's take the value "Churches within the emerging community are committed to God in the way of Jesus." This is all dependent that we have a common view of Jesus. If Doug and I are working off of the same definition, than I think that we can see how someone who primarily looks at faith through a "modern" lens might interpret these or vice versa. ". So what does it mean to be “positive”? Has the church had a negative outlook on the future? Is this really a conversation about end times? What is your definition of “The Kingdom of God”? Do all Emerging Communities have to look the same? Communal Life-living like family?-Finally you defined something-now what does it mean to live like family? Dude, my family is pretty screwed up; I think I would rather live alone. Missional Communities-sweet… What is a missional community? Friendship and Hospitality-friends and food, sweet! Theology-that’s a big word; and what type of theology are you talking about?
Of course you have to read the material, participate in the conversation, familiarize yourself with the definitions, but if I were not familiar would this make any sense? What lens would I be viewing this through? Would my perspective be modern or postmodern or both? Maybe I just might get Medieval on your Hinny! By the way, what is your definition of the terms postmodern and modern? Are you working off the theological statment from the emergent website or have you formed your own underground defintion?
“Christians today cannot work with the same assumptions that we did just 20 years ago. At that time, people would join you in your search for absolute truth. It is different now. Today, before we begin to lead people to the truth of Jesus Christ, we may have to lead them to the truth of truth. Common ground must be created before the gospel can be claimed” ...author unknown to me.
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:30 PM
here we are, the first anonymous comment. I've often wondered what to do when that happend. I am wondering "anonymous" how involved you would like to be in our process. Your welcome to join the conversation, but I am wondering if your not willing to give a name OR and email, how invested in our process? I'm a little leary of snipers. Feel me?
Good thoughts though. Did you start reading at the begining? We've referanced the Upper Peninsila of MI as a picture of the changes that are happening. check out March.
Posted by
Randy |
9:18 PM
If you answer my questions and stop calling me names, then I might think about telling you who I am. By the way, I read your UP blog. Tour guides... in the new world. Neato. Do we get trendy tight shirts to wear and do we get to grow our facial hair real cool?
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:22 PM
i'll jump in on this...
i would agree that we are both modern & postmodern - for we are in an age of transition. just as randy is going to feel like he's living in 2 places at once for a while [between st.joe & g.ville]. i know this first hand as i just transitioned to a new local. just 8 months ago and others have recentely moved also.
so, in a time of changing minds and ideas there are always attempts to survey the landscape and define some of the things that are seen.
so without being too regimented here's how i breakdown the emmergent 'principles'...
'positive about the future...'
yes, the modern church has [in general], for a while been some what negative about the future. questioning the validity of understanding the culture and often accused those trying to understand the emerging attitudes of being too much 'of the world' and not just 'in it.'
committed to God in the way of Jesus...'
well, for me this pretty straight forward. Jesus was committed to God for one purpose, relationship. if there are some that come into church with an understanding different than that about Jesus then it is the churches job, modern or postmodern, to help remedy the understanding. this isn't about the lens through which we look, it's much more about how we understand Jesus and His mission here.
'the kingdom of God...'
well, this better be the central convo. point or i'm out.
'communal life - living like family...'
preach it about disfunctional families! every family has a disfunction. it's just a sliding scale. so with relationship back at the top of the food chain it's a renued mission to be a conduit to Christ to repair the broken relationships of our families.
'missional communities...'
there is an overwhelming sense that we have the ability to make a difference in the world. just as i am on-line today [09.01] on my home page there are opportunities to help the hurricane victims in louisiana. if the church only offers 'club' ammenities, the priviliges of belonging [better parking spaces, softer seats in the places they want to sit, etc.] then the church gets to continue on the downward spiral of declining until we join the dinasaures and our churches become places people visit on their summer vacations [a lot like europe]. missional - the opportunity to 'go and do.'
'friendship & hospitality...'
food & friends +, that also sounds pretty good to me. i love hangin' and cramin' the eats. but, if george gallup is right, and he usually is as king of the pollsters, and about 70% of americans admit to periods of loniliness then this idea of friends and food fits pretty well with the needs of the average usa'er. a place to connect and gain a sense of belonging.
'valuing theology..'
tru-dat! a big word. a word even that, dare i say, much of the churched world does not know. theology - understanding about God. how He operates in His world and who He is. not things that we get to completely understand and know, but this needs to be apart of the journey. but then again, isn't this the job of the church in the first place, modern/postmodern, 1950's/2000's? i do believe it is. but for many, it may seem as though the church has been about other things and theology and the teaching of such has taken a back seat.
finally, i don't think that all communities have to look the same. we tried that in the 80's & 90's without much rabid success. 'let's do it the willow creek way, or the saddleback way.' not that there's anything wrong with they way they did and currently do things. but the cookie cutter doesn't fit all the local indigenous needs.
i look at this list from d.pagitt and see them as conversation starting points for someone who is checking God out through their local church. or for someone whose trying to understand this new thing called 'emergent'. conversation starting point to invite someone into relationship with God.
i'm full, that's all for me thanks...
Posted by
nathan |
3:22 PM
Nathan, may your words lead our anonymous friend to Jesus. As for our anonymous friend, our blog bodies have been riddled by your questions, and you make it out as if we have arrived at Zion, proclaiming the Postmodern New World as our own. This is our journey, we don't take it lightly, and we hope to always be open and honest, so we can(like Nathan relays) be in relationship. I refuse to journey with a poser. Join us, or move on.
Posted by
Andy |
5:32 PM