May 29, 2006 

Migration Weigh-In

This is a link to Tony Jones blog response to Chuck Colson's: "Emerging Confusion: Jesus is the Truth Whether We Experience Him or Not" in Christianity Today. Jones really weighs in on the relational and experiential version of truth that some of us hold.
"What makes the gospel true, especially if those of us in the world have no experience of its truthfulness?"

Yea, this is a definite read, and if you have the time, share your comments. And if anyone can find the original Colson article, could you please email it to me, Andy, at thanks!

May 28, 2006 

Bolger on Youth Ministry

This is an interview of Ryan Bolger by Kara Powell from Fuller. She's also been hanging at Youth Speciallites events the past few years. This will hit home from some I'm sure. But I think some of the concepts will hit deep at the DNA of how we do pastor. Make sure to check out the Qs that Kara has at the end of the article.

May 25, 2006 

Run for the Border

Dare I say, the debate over new immigration policy, could possibly be compared to an us/them mentality going on in churches here in our country today. "Come on in" our church's "Doors are always open!" just as long as you look and sound just like us. So many of us WASP's go to WASP churches that need to open the border. Yo Soy un Gringo! but you are all my brothers and sisters.

May 24, 2006 

a view of the church?

this is a pretty funny link. its from the show 'king of the hill' on fox. wonder if this is just poking fun or if it's how they see the church, mega or general church.

YouTube - King of the Hill- Church!

May 08, 2006 

someone has too much time on their hands


May 02, 2006 

Emerging Churches 1.0

Ok, so I've been really busy lately it's been hard to keep up with the blogsphere I watch, let a lone come out hear and sound creative or smart.

Ok, so I'm really going to talk about the book Emerging Churches by Eddie Gibbs and Ryan Bolger. So here we go....

The first section of the book is called "A brief Look at Culture." I want to talk about what's under the heading Why Must the Western Church Today Study Culture?

"the study of culture is a highly significant issue that addresses the relationship among Christ, the gospel, the church and culture. For many years , the standard textbook on this issue was, H. Richard Niebuhr's Christ and Culture. In recent years, Niebuhr's work has come under severe criticism. Rodney Clapp comments, "Christ and Culture was the creature of a time when few Christians could conceive of the church as itself a culture." This raises the missional question as or whether the church exists simply as a subculture or a counterculture or whether it can become truly cross-cultural in the sense of crossing into the broader culture through proclaiming the good news within that culture context." {page 16}

To paraphrase, it goes on to say that there has been debate about the gospel and culture as of late, but not gospel and church. The "chasm widens"between the church and culutre as the culture floats away from it's spiritual roots.

Yeah, so? What about it? Is the church lining up with Gospel? Is capital C Church fulfilling the mission to the culture? Have we become a side-lined subculture? Am I the only one on here that thinks that the church is not impacted our corners of the word as we should? Help me unpack

[something freaky just happend with the template, I hope I can fix this.]

In The Beginging

The First Post

Who's Migrating

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