February 15, 2006 

are we missing it?

I was wondering if Lloyd's thoughts on culture and ChOG would be of any value to those of you that are still checking this thing out. check out "Our Culture" on ChOG Blog.

February 08, 2006 

Bono's homily from last week

If you haven't watched or read Bono's message at the National Prayer Breakfast from last week, then you can watch it here, or read it here. And let me just say, wow. Spend a good 20 minutes with this, and then go make your Sr. Pastor watch it.

UPDATE: Good luck on watching this clip from CNN, they pulled the video stream, so unless you are subscribed to their online content $cha-ching$ you'll have to read what Bono said.

February 02, 2006 

"Are you from Wisconsin, start Polka Mass!"

This made me laugh. I honestly wish I could play this game. LINK

-With network play enabled, you can steal members from other churches and earn points just like you saved them yourself.

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