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December 20, 2007 


Have you heard one of Kid Rock's songs off his new album Rock-N-Rock Revival? It's called Amen. You can hear it on the radio or his homepage kidrock.com. Heads up: I'm not sure this is the radio version that plays on his website, so be aware of the the ears around you. Go give it a listen sometime. I find myself Amening most of the song. "Rock" is onto something. But beware you may want to shut him down right away because he's says "stop being so up tight when I get high." and he calls us "wolves in sheep-clothes pastors." I guess what I'm saying is don't prove him right. Most of the things that he mentions in this song are things that Jesus showed and told us what he thinks about. Things that Jesus wants us to do something about. He talks about Jesus too, "...so one day you'll stand hand in hand with the truth." [hello John 14:6!]

I bet some of you have a gut reaction right now that is telling you that I would condone his lifestyle, or all his music. No I won't be buying this album. Most of his songs are about getting high or drunk or sleeping around. Things that I don't live for. I'm just pointing out an issue we need to face: God is at work in people and places that are dirty and broken. [Reference to a chapter from Kester Brewin's book Signs of Emergence. I'll post on that next.] I'm calling into question how we see salvation and discipleship in the ways of Jesus. Is it a journey, or is it an event? Are people in or out, or is it about a spectrum of knowing God? These are things that we need to deal with. For a relative world you and I live in you can't tell someone they are straight up wrong in the first conversation you have with them and expect them to talk to you again. Let alone see Jesus in your life. Well maybe respectfully in not so many words. How many Christians do that? Most of the time we're know for what we're against, not what or who we're for. But I see that we have an opertunity here. We can talk about Truth in it's most real sense now. Before our culutre started to shift Truth was boxed into facts, linear reason, and data. Now we can talk about Truth as a person-Jesus. A broader, and more actuate view of the Truth in my opinion. We can talk about the whole Truth so help us God. Because knowing all the facts is different than knowing a person isn't it?

I wonder if anyone is engaging Kid Rock? Are there any Christ followers that have befriended him? I know that Rev Run is touring with Kid Rock so maybe. [Run as in Run-DMC, and more recently Run's House.] Back to questions. Do you have a Kid Rock in your life? How are you engaging people that don't follow Jesus? Lifeguards know how to swim and from time to time they have to get wet to save someone. Firefighters know the nature of fire and still go into burning buildings. The shooting doesn't stop so a medic can treat the wounded. Cops get shot at, and they still come back to work. Are you in the fray? Who are you engaging?

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