I'm just curious. What kind of space do you need for different tasks, or types of things that you do, on a weekly or daily basis? I'm talking about stuff that you do mostly by yourself. When I moved here I tried to adapt to the culture here. Makes sense right? Well there were some routines that I had established in Greenville, that I let go when I came here, because I thought I was supposed to spend my personal ministry time in the office. What that ended up doing was hurting my leadership and my ministry. Now, I've learned a lot about both since being here. I just wish that this time I wouldn't have listen to the voices in my head. So I've redone where I spend my time. For "deep" thinking tasks, or creative things, brainstorming, prioritizing, I go to Penera Bread, or a deli or coffee shop. [A new coffee shop came to town recently and I'm excited about it. Except, I'm a booth guy and they have tables.] Administrative things I do in my office: organizing, updating the website, meetings with other staff, writing letters to parents, etc. I've been beating myself up because I was trying to do some of those creative things at this desk and I end up being interrupted, distracted or starring out the window wishing I was somewhere else. Somewhere I could think.
So where do you work?
Mark Batterson ( has a great saying, "A change of place and a change of pace = a change in perspective".
Sounds like you've got it nailed, Randy. Anywhere public usually stimulates the creative juices for me.
Posted by Jeremy | 11:49 AM
Funny, huh? If only I would have read your blog before we had our conversation the other day. Where does that little voice come from anyway? Like who ever said all ministry work took place in the office - that's not even logical!! I think I'm starting to realize that it is okay to be stimulated in other places outside of the church's even better a lot of times. Good thoughts!
Posted by Anonymous | 2:29 PM