March 21, 2007 a hole in the head

i recently stumbled onto another web source. and if you're like me i need something else to listen to/download/read/digest like i need a hole in the head. but, this one has provided some interesting content.

The Veritas Forum is a traveling dialogue @ universities accross the country, and a couple outside the US. there's all kind of history & what happens at a forum. but check the top right corner for 'veritas media'. free downloads, audio & video, of recent forums & where they took place. their archive is fairly extensive as well.

i know, something else to listen can become a brain sucker. but the forum brings in the likes of donald miller, erwin mcManus, n.t.wright &
makoto fujimura among others.

if you're already aware of this resource please forgive my tardiness in tapping into its offering. if this is new to you check it out - lots of good stuff.

either way, soak it up my friends...

March 11, 2007 

In the merry old land of oz

I've been quiet in the blogsphere for a while now. It's mostly because of where I am right now... Australia visiting my Dad and his side of the family. You know how it goes when you go away, you have to work twice as hard before and after you're gone.

For me the work and holiday sandwich has been worth it. Here are a few photos. I'll post some with me real camera later, you'll have to do with the digital point and shoot for now. here's a map of our travels from Sydney to my Nana's house.

You'll hear from me more when we get back in our home hemisphere. Cheers Mates!


March 09, 2007 

Emersion Books
Emersion is a partnership between Baker Publishing Group and Emergent Village. If anyone gets a hold of An Emergent Manifest of Hope, by Pagitt and Jones, let me know!

March 08, 2007 

Blogs I'm Watching

Hey everyone,

here's a list of blogs that I'm currently watching of pastors/leaders that are really gettin'-it-done... Many of you probably already follow some of these guys, but maybe some of them are new. A TON can be learned from following these guys.

Anyway, click here for the list.

Hope it's a blessing,


In The Beginging

The First Post

Who's Migrating

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email Randy